Who is E.J. McKnight?
Standing Ovations is one of the industry leaders in professional training, corporate seminars, the power of intensity for athletes, key note speaking, education, motivation, one-on-one coaching & mentoring, entertainment, civic and community work. Standing Ovations also offers an innovative international missions program ( UNTO ALL NATIONS) that can include every member of a congregation to minister to every nation on the globe.
"Improving the quality of life from the inside out! - E.J. McKnight
Owner, Key Note Speaker, Educator, Motivator, Coach and Entertainer
Standing Ovations offers over 30 customized seminars: including corporate training in effective sales, customer service, leadership development & business management, character education and personal empowerment for students from kindergarten through college, mental preparation for athletes, and entertainment through magic & emotivational theatre, incorporating singing, acting and story-telling, for audiences of all ages.
Standing Ovation also specializes in one-on-one mentoring, coaching and education for business owners on the "business of business," and individuals struggling to overcome personal and professional obstacles.
"Man's mind stretched to a new idea, never goes back to its original dimensions." - Oliver Wendell Holmes
"Protect your dreams with your life, because they ARE your life!" - E.J. McKnight